[CentOS-devel] Dependent on PowerTools

Fri Jul 16 20:55:45 UTC 2021
Michel Alexandre Salim <michel at michel-slm.name>

Hi all,

On Fri, Jul 16, 2021 at 10:14:22AM -0400, Mike Rochefort wrote:
> Based on the office hour earlier this week, I spent some time
> performing scans of the PowerTools repo to see what packages from
> BaseOS, AppStream, and EPEL rely on it.
> The results of these scans can be found in a repo here:
> https://gitlab.com/omenos/crb-depends
I have filed the issue proposing a separate subpackage for
CRB/Powertools, that virtually provide 'repo(CRB)' so that
`epel-release` can recommend it; this way, distributions such as CentOS
Stream or Alma can have this repo automatically enabled when installing
epel-release, while RHEL customers will have an unchanged experience so
there is no risk of giving the appearance that CRB is supported:


Looking forward to discussing this, or other potential solutions, in
this thread.

Best regards,

Michel Alexandre Salim
profile: https://keyoxide.org/michel@michel-slm.name
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