[CentOS-devel] Retracted: Volunteer(s) wanted to answer questions on Freenode

Sat Jun 26 03:16:14 UTC 2021
Philip Wyett <philip.wyett at kathenas.org>

On Fri, 2021-06-25 at 15:14 -0500, Mike McGrath wrote:
> Thanks for trying Rich.  I think the move we made from freenode to
> Libera was absolutely the right call and I'm glad we made it and made it
> early (thank you to those who helped make that happen).  Still, I know how
> confusing it is for community members who may not have been aware of the
> move (or even the freenode drama).  I hope we can help continue to get the
> word out.  Maybe we need some CentOS branded s/freenode/Libera/g stickers
> or something.
>            -Mike


To make some people aware and give more prominence to the switch, maybe pin the announce tweet of
May 19th on twitter for a while, so for those who use that particular platform it is the first
thing seen when visiting the projects account.



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