[CentOS-devel] [EXT] Re: RFC: kmods SIG Proposal

Mon May 24 21:24:33 UTC 2021
Peter Georg <peter.georg at physik.uni-regensburg.de>

On 24/05/2021 22.32, Patrick Riehecky wrote:
> I'm loving the ideas/thoughts/etc here!
> Perhaps, we could add a Roadmap item for non-GPLv2 stuff?  Personally,
> there are just a few items that I'd love to have which are not GPLv2.
> I'd hate to block on sorting this out now, when I suspect there will be
> some more input/concerns/etc.
> Pat

Just to clarify: non-GPLv2 stuff is part of the proposal. But even the 
non-GPLv2 kernel modules have to use a GPL v2 compatible license (see 
the discussion with Neal Gompa).

These modules are indeed not mentioned explicitely on the roadmap, but 
are included in the third point "Provide packages for further beneficial 
kernel modules requested by the community". I'm happy to replace this 
point with improved wording or add an additional point to the Roadmap.

What are the non GPLv2 items you are interested in?
All the non-GPLv2 stuff I'm interested in is sadly out due to the 
restriction to GPLv2 compatible licenses.

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