[CentOS-devel] [REPORT] Automotive SIG

Fri Oct 1 00:23:59 UTC 2021
Jeffrey Osier-Mixon <jefro at redhat.com>

Replying to my own email to correct errors, sorry

The mailing list currently has 60 subscribers representing at least 14

Jeffrey "Jefro" Osier-Mixon  |  jefro at redhat.com
Red Hat Office of the CTO  |  Sr. Principal Community Architect, Automotive

On Thu, Sep 30, 2021 at 2:35 PM Jeffrey Osier-Mixon <jefro at redhat.com>

> October 2021 Quarterly report submitted by: Jefro Osier-Mixon, Red Hat -
> acting chair
> _____________________________________
> Membership update (members added, removed. Chair changes.)
> This SIG is new, and as such does not have a formal membership process
> yet. The mailing list currently has xx subscribers representing at least yy
> companies. I have been asked to act as chair for the first few months in
> order to stabilize the SIG.
> _____________________________________
> Releases in the most recent quarter (or most recent release, if none in
> that quarter)
> The SIG is not yet creating builds or publishing releases, but we hope to
> do so in the next quarter.
> _____________________________________
> Health report and general activity narrative.
> The SIG has had two public meetings since approval, each with roughly 40
> attendees representing at least 8 separate organizations. We feel this is a
> good start at corporate community diversity but will continue to work
> toward a community-driven project that is not dominated by Red Hat - this
> is intended to be a community effort with contributions and shared benefits
> from all participants. One notable participant is the Automotive Grade
> Linux project (AGL). Also noted are several OEM automakers and a few tier-1
> suppliers, so interest is clearly piqued.
> Several RH employees are working on the first contribution to the project
> as well as the infrastructure required to build and test it. There is
> confidence we will be building software in Q4 and hope to have an initial
> release of an Automotive CentOS variant in Q1 2022.
> _____________________________________
> Issues for the board to address, if any
> None, keep up the excellent work :)
> Jeffrey "Jefro" Osier-Mixon  |  jefro at redhat.com
> Red Hat Office of the CTO  |  Sr. Principal Community Architect, Automotive
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