[CentOS-devel] Changes to CentOS CI: reminder of Phase 1 and 2

Tue Aug 16 13:58:47 UTC 2022
Camila Granella <cgranell at redhat.com>

Hello everyone,

This is a friendly reminder of the current and upcoming status of CentOS CI
changes (check [1]).

Projects that opted-in for continuing on CentOS CI have been migrated, and
the new Duffy API is available. With that, *phase 0 has been completed*.
Regarding *phase 1*, we are still working on a permanent fix for the DB
Concurrency issues [2]. Also, as for our OpenShift new deployment, we have
a staging environment up and running, and it should be available at
the beginning of September 2022.

In October 2022 we begin *phase 2* when we will work through the following
items (these were also previously communicated in [1]):

   - legacy/compatibility API endpoint will handover EC2 instances instead
   of local seamicro nodes (VMs vs bare metal)
   - bare-metal options will be available through the new API only
   - legacy seamicro and aarch64/ThunderX hardware are decommissioned
   - only remaining "on-premises" option is ppc64le (local cloud)Feel free
   to reach out if you have any questions or concerns

The final deadline for decommissioning the old infrastructure (*phase 3*)
is *December 2022*. We will be communicating further until then, and
meanwhile, reach out to any of us in case you have any questions.


[1] [ci-users] Changes on CentOS CI and next steps:
[2] DB Concurrency issues: https://github.com/CentOS/duffy/issues/523

Camila Granella

Associate Manager, Software Engineering

Red Hat <https://www.redhat.com/>
@Red Hat <https://twitter.com/redhat>   Red Hat
<https://www.linkedin.com/company/red-hat>  Red Hat
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