[CentOS-devel] [EXT] CentOS SIGs and lookaside cache

Tue Feb 22 14:35:18 UTC 2022
Peter Georg <peter.georg at physik.uni-regensburg.de>

On 22/02/2022 15.18, Neal Gompa wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 22, 2022 at 9:17 AM Peter Georg
> <peter.georg at physik.uni-regensburg.de> wrote:
>> On 21/02/2022 16.51, Pierre-Yves Chibon wrote:
>>> Good Morning Everyone,
>>> There are currently two lookaside caches in use around the CentOS project:
>>> * One used by CentOS-Stream: https://sources.stream.centos.org/sources it's not
>>>     browsable, but it uses the structure:
>>>     `baseurl/pkgname/tarball/hashtype/hash/tarball`. Example:
>>>     https://sources.stream.centos.org/sources/rpms/kernel/linux-5.14.0-62.el9.tar.xz/sha512/f7aeac0fe5bf594933cd35b7ecc94ea8ddcbfedc04fa769c4da298e7bf105df116375d44711d944c748c85f61f96f6149be34c76eb37f28aa1f16359a9122abf/linux-5.14.0-62.el9.tar.xz
>>> * One used by CentOS-Linux, CentOS-Stream 8 and the SIGs:
>>>     https://git.centos.org/sources/ this one is browsable and as you can see uses
>>>     the structure: `baseurl/pkgname/branch/hash`. Example:
>>>     https://git.centos.org/sources/kernel/c8s/0c4e10577cfd4b4f8e3d83c0406da8ab05eb775f
>>> The rest of this email focuses on this second one. SIGs upload to it using the
>>> route: https://git.centos.org/sources/upload.cgi
>>> In an email last week [1] was proposed an idea for how SIGs could leverage the
>>> centos namespace in gitlab for those who wishes.
>>> One of the benefits of using gitlab would be increased flexibility for SIGs and
>>> a clear example for this would be the ability to drop the branch structures
>>> currently imposed on the git repositories. That structure is imposed because the
>>> git repositories are shared between CentOS-Linux, CentOS-Stream and (potentially
>>> multiple) SIGs, so that structure ensures groups are not stepping on each
>>> other's toes. By moving the SIGs out of these shared repositories, imposing that
>>> structure is no longer needed.
>>> However, since the lookaside cache relies on branch name, lifting that structure
>>> would break the lookaside cache.
>>> I have already brought this idea to a few folks to see if the idea was sane. The
>>> consensus that emerged is:
>>> * Introduce a new upload endpoint next to the existing one, something like:
>>>     https://git.centos.org/sources/sig_upload.cgi
>>> * That new endpoint would upload the sources given using the same structure as
>>>     the one used for CentOS-Stream, but ensuring that the person uploading is
>>>     member of at least one SIG.
>>> The idea of using `sig_upload.cgi` instead of just replacing `upload.cgi` is the
>>> assumption that we want to preserve the current structure used for CentOS-Linux
>>> and CentOS-Stream, allowing to find more easily which sources are used where and
>>> not impacting the process Red Hat uses to push its releases.
>>> Since the structures used by the two upload scripts are different, they will not
>>> conflict.
>>> What we will end up seeing is something like:
>>> sources
>>>>>> ├── pkg1
>>> │   ├── c7
>>> │   │   ├── hash1
>>> │   │   └── hash2
>>> │   ├── c8
>>> │   │   ├── hash3
>>> │   │   └── hash4
>>> │   ├── tarball1
>>> │   │    └── sha name
>>> │   │         └── hash5
>>> │   │              └── tarball1
>>> │   └── tarball2
>>> │       └── sha name
>>> │            └── hash6
>>> │                 └── tarball2
>>>>>> └── pkg2
>>>       ├── c8
>>>       │   ├── hash7
>>>       │   └── hash8
>>>       ├── c8s
>>>       │   ├── hash9
>>>       │   └── hash10
>>>       ├── tarball3
>>>       │    └── sha name
>>>       │         └── hash11
>>>       │              └── tarball3
>>>       └── tarball4
>>>           └── sha name
>>>                └── hash12
>>>                     └── tarball4
>>> and so on
>> As this already requires some changes, does it make sense to have SIG
>> sources in a different directory than RHEL sources?
>> The proposed structure does not allow sharing sources between RHEL and
>> SIGs so what is the benefit of having both in the same directory? It
>> might even lead to confusion due to the two different structures used.
>> I.e. put SIG sources in git.centos.org/SIGs/sources or whatever is
>> possible/preferred and have a upload.cgi there.
>> I personally prefer a clean separation between content provided by RH
>> and SIGs.
> Going forward, only SIGs will use git.centos.org by default. CentOS
> Stream 9 isn't done there, so you get a much stronger separation now.

Afaik RHEL9 sources will still be pushed to git.centos.org.
At least the RHEL 9 beta sources have already been pushed there.