[CentOS-devel] Welcome to our new Board members!

Fri Jan 14 19:00:40 UTC 2022
Amy Marrich <amy at redhat.com>

Hi everyone,

I'd like to thank first whoever nominated me and the Board for having the
trust in me to fill this role.

For those who don't know me, I am involved in the Cloud SiG in CentOS, have
been helping out as the RDO Community Manager, and also serve on the Open
Infrastructure Foundations Board of Directors as an Individual Director and
the OpenStack Technical Committee. I have been a long time operator using
CentOS in past roles as a System Administrator/Engineer and as a DevOps.

My plan is to use my mix of soft skills and technical abilities to help the
CentOS Community to continue to grow and do great things.



*Amy Marrich*


Principal Technical Marketing Manager - Cloud Platforms

Red Hat, Inc <https://www.redhat.com/>

amy at redhat.com

Mobile: 954-818-0514

Slack:  amarrich

IRC: spotz

On Thu, Jan 13, 2022 at 10:08 AM Rich Bowen <rbowen at redhat.com> wrote:

> It is my enormous pleasure to introduce our two new board members,
> elected by the sitting board at yesterday's Board meeting. (Full minutes
> coming in a day or two.)
> Amy Marrich
> Celeste Lyn Paul
> I will allow them to introduce themselves more thoroughly over the
> coming days, but please do join me in welcoming them to our board!
> As you are already aware, Jim Perrin and Karanbir Singh both have
> stepped down from the board at the end of the most recent term, after
> many years of service, and we thank them for all of their hard work over
> the past 17 years.
> --Rich
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