[CentOS-devel] firewalld and NEW FreeIPA file "freeipa-4" broken in a rule set

Sat Nov 26 11:07:59 UTC 2022
Günther J. Niederwimmer <gjn at gjn.priv.at>

Hello List,
Does anyone have any idea why the "NEW" freeipa-4 for firewalld does not work 
as a "rule", all ports remain closed? with the command

firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=external --add-service=freeipa-4

does it open the ports but it doesn't work in a rule statement?

firewall-cmd --add-rich-rule='rule family="ipv4" source address="89.XXX.XXX.0/
XX" service name="freeipa-4" log prefix="freeipa-4" level= "info" limit 
value="1/m" accept' --permanent

it is extra in freeipa-4 you should use the NEW freeipa-4 everything else is 

Where's the mistake?
mit freundlichen Grüßen / best Regards,

 Günther J. Niederwimmer