[CentOS-devel] 2022-10-12 - CentOS Public Board Meeting

Wed Oct 12 12:24:44 UTC 2022
宁 嫣然 <NorlandTheArtStudent at outlook.com>

Hello Thomas,

Could you please add me to this board meeting?
Thank you,

Ning Yanran

发件人: Thomas Oulevey<mailto:thomas.oulevey at cern.ch>
发送时间: 2022年10月11日 8:20
收件人: centos-devel at centos.org<mailto:centos-devel at centos.org>
主题: [CentOS-devel] 2022-10-12 - CentOS Public Board Meeting

Hi Everyone,

Our next board meeting will take place at 20:00 UTC tomorrow:

      `date -d "2022-10-12 20:00 UTC"`

If you would like to attend please send me an email to
alphacc at centosproject.org (please do not reply to @centos-devel or use
another email address) and you will receive a link to a Zoom meeting
room with a passcode, 1 hour before the meeting takes place.

The agenda can be checked at :


As a reminder we will enforce few rules :

* Wait to be recognized by the Chair before speaking
* Respect the Chair when told your time to speak is over - this will
allow us to remain on agenda, and complete the meetings in the allotted time
* In the event that there are Board-confidential topics, these will be
put at the end of the meeting, in Executive Session, and guests will be
asked to leave. We hope to minimize these items, but they do sometimes
happen. The most common scenarios in which this may happen are personnel
issues, or information that Red Hat wishes to share with the Board, but
is not yet public.
* Muting of participants, or, in extreme situations, ejection from the
meeting, is at the sole discretion of the Chair.
* Meetings will be recorded, and published to YouTube (possibly with
edits/redaction, as approved by the Directors). Thus, by joining the
meeting you consent to have your presence at the meeting, and anything
you say during the meeting, made public.

I hope some of you can join.

Thomas 'alphacc' Oulevey
CentOS Board of Directors Secretary
alphacc at centosproject.org

CentOS-devel mailing list
CentOS-devel at centos.org

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