[CentOS-devel] IPA + dependencies issue - fail to update

Tue Sep 6 13:03:37 UTC 2022
Jean-Marc Liger <jean-marc.liger at parisdescartes.fr>

Le 05/09/2022 à 21:36, Nico Kadel-Garcia a écrit :
> On Mon, Sep 5, 2022 at 5:25 AM lejeczek via CentOS-devel
> <centos-devel at centos.org> wrote:
>> Hi guys.
>> This issue is almost a month old - could @devel please look into it.
>> Also a personal comment - this does not look too good as this is not 
>> the first time IPA when deployed has this very kind of problems - 
>> something there where freeIPA team & Centos team(s) co-exists/operate 
>> seems broken - it would be great if you guys(everybody involved) 
>> could look into it as well.
>> many thanks, L
> Don't use FreeIPA? Re-inventing Samba, and deliberately disabling the
> domain controller features in RHEL compiled Samba, has been one of the
> silliest things Red Hat has done. I suspect they could have made
> considerably more money and satisfied ore customers by simply
> supporting Samba, on which sssd and FreeIPA rely, and avoid these
> destabilizing wrappers on top of Samba functionality. And yes, I put
> my time and my money where my mouth is and publish RPM building tools
> for Samba releases for RHEL use with the domain controller enabled,
> over at https://github.com/nkadel/samba4repo/
> If your RPM database has gotten messed up for whatever reason, use this:
> rpm --rebuilddb
> That said, I'd double check you installed for accidental duplication
> or partial deployments.
> rpm -qa --qf '%{name}.%{arch}\n' | sort | uniq -d
> And manually re-install the latest version of anything that shows up
> which isn't a kernel, or one of those yucky, icky gnarly modular
> packaged components. modular packages are their own nightmare
> Then I'd use:
> dnf clean all --enablerepo=*
> dnf list extras
> dnf update --no-best
> The "best" operation has gotten very confusing at times, especially as
> CentOS is now "streaming" beta test platform rather than a production
> release based platform, and peculiarities are likely to sneak in as
> individual bits and pieces get updated out of sync. This can be
> especially exacerbated if you have non-standard or third party dnf
> channels.
> Frankly, I often turn off the "best" operation in /etc/dnf.conf
> because it's problematic if you use personally built dnf channels as I
> do for Samba work.
> Nico Kadel-Garcia


I maintain for testing purposes a samba ad dc COPR repository for EL8 
with all necessary src.rpm simply rebuilt with dc option enable :

