[CentOS-devel] [Messaging] RabbitMQ for EPEL 9

Sat Sep 3 18:32:03 UTC 2022
Robby Callicotte <rcallicotte at mailbox.org>

Hello all,

I recently stumbled onto this bugzilla issue[1].  It has gone a couple of 
months without a response from the assignee.  I know that the stalled package 
request procedures can be started now, but I also see that RabbitMQ was built 
by the Messaging SIG in the past.  So... Where should this get routed?  Is the 
messaging SIG still active?  I see some info[2] saying that it is, but the 
lack of response leads me to think that it may not be.


[1]  https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2105791
[2] https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Messaging

Robby Callicotte
Timezone: America/Chicago
IRC: c4t3l | Twitter: @robbycl2v