[CentOS-devel] [centos-artwork] Restructuring the website homepage layout

Wed Sep 20 15:39:00 UTC 2023
Amy Marrich <amy at redhat.com>


That looks great and the sections make sense as you've described them. As
far as News and Events and Blog, I do think they're the same thing but I
kind of like the idea of calling it News and Events vs Blog.


*Amy Marrich*


Principal Technical Marketing Manager - Cloud Platforms

Red Hat, Inc <https://www.redhat.com/>

amy at redhat.com

Mobile: 954-818-0514

Slack:  amarrich

IRC: spotz

On Tue, Sep 19, 2023 at 9:23 PM Alain Reguera Delgado <
alain.reguera at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey folks,
> Could we have a talk about the website homepage layout?
> Here is a tentative sketch I am working on for the a new website theme:
> https://centos.gitlab.io/artwork/centos-web/jekyll-theme-centos-base/documentation/#the-page-basehome-layout
> In this layout:
> Are "News and Events" and "Blog Posts" redundant sections?
> Does it make sense to present only extracts from blog posts if we cover
> "news and events" as blog posts?
> What is your opinion about restructuring the site content under the
> following 4 top sections:
> 1. Project: describes the project itself. For example, the project
> mission, the project organizational structure, the project trademarks,
> the project governance, legal stuff, gpg signing keys.
> 2. Bits: describes content that final users can download, install,
> study, propose/make changes to, and use in their computers or devices.
> In this section you would have CentOS Stream and all its derived
> distributions. This section would cover related information like,
> screenshots, links to download mirrors, end of life, documentation
> links for using this distributions, post-installation commands you
> might want to run. This section would be implemented using "jekyll-
> theme-centos-download" component.
> https://centos.gitlab.io/artwork/centos-web/jekyll-theme-centos-download/documentation/
> 3. Community: describes the community resources and activities. For
> example, here you find the entry points for the latest blog posts, news
> and events as well as shortcuts to resources like mailing lists, wiki,
> forums, blog, irc, calendars, cbs, and sigs.
> 4. Sponsors: promotes sponsors with linked images and thanksgiving
> message for their active support. This section would be implemented
> using "jekyll-theme-centos-sponsors" component:
> https://centos.gitlab.io/artwork/centos-web/jekyll-theme-centos-sponsors/documentation/
> What would be your perfect layout and content structure for the
> website?
> Thanks!
> --
> Alain Reguera Delgado <alain.reguera at gmail.com>
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