[Centos-docs] ISSN for wiki

Ralph Angenendt ra+centos at br-online.de
Thu Sep 7 09:45:20 UTC 2006

David Hrbáč wrote:
> Hi,
> It would be nice if we can get ISSN for wiki.centos.org. Any plans? I
> know assigning ISSN for blogs is being held now. If we have ISSN it
> might help to get more people to contribute. Just the hint.

I don't think that it would work, as there are no "serial issues" on a
wiki by which periodicals can be identified:

| The same criteria for determining if a serial is eligible for an ISSN
| apply to electronic and print publications: an intention to continue
| publishing indefinitely and being issued in designated parts. In the
| case of electronic serials – especially those available online, such as
| on the Internet – the most significant criterion is that the publication
| must be divided into parts or issues which carry unique, numerical
| designations by which the individual issues may be identified, checked
| in, etc. Electronic serials that are issued as individual articles meet
| this criterion as long as the articles carry a unique designation. Thus,
| a database issued quarterly on CD-ROM and carrying quarterly date
| designations would be eligible for an ISSN while the same database as an
| online service which was being continually and seamlessly updated would
| not be eligible.

And I think a Wiki would fall into the "database" category there. Now if
we export the articles into a blog ...

Ralph Angenendt......ra at br-online.de | .."Text processing has made it possible
Bayerischer Rundfunk...80300 München | ....to right-justify any idea, even one
Programmbereich.Bayern 3, Jugend und | .which cannot be justified on any other
Multimedia.........Tl:089.5900.16023 | ..........grounds." -- J. Finnegan, USC
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