[Centos-docs] DVD install create small howto

Ralph Angenendt ra+centos at br-online.de
Sat Sep 9 14:26:01 UTC 2006

Hello David,

David Hrbáč wrote:
> Ralph,
> here it goes. Suggestions are TipsAndTricks/CreateDVDImage,
> TipsAndTricks/CDtoDVDMedia.
> David

David, I seem to have created some misunderstanding with my first mail,
so I'll try again. Sorry.

> = How to create install DVD  from CD =

"an install DVD" and probably "install CDs".

> First of all, we need to download the following script:
> {{{
> wget http://merlin.fit.vutbr.cz/mirrors/centos/build/mkdvdiso.sh
> chmod 700 mkdvdiso.sh
> }}}

This here seems to have been the first misunderstanding: What I wanted
to say was, that I would like it very much, if the script is attached to
the wiki page itself so that you don't have to pull it down from an
external entity -> selfhosting Wiki. You can do this with
"attachment:mkdvdiso.sh" - the scriptname then shows up as a link to the
script with a small paper-clip icon next to it.

> Sript uses implantisomd5 and mkisofs, so you might also want to install:

"The script uses"

> Now we download set of CD images (one can change URL with the closest one):

"need to download". "change URL to the closest download mirror".

> wget
> http://merlin.fit.vutbr.cz/mirrors/centos/4/isos/i386/CentOS-4.4-i386-bin1of4.iso

What I meant here: Why not directly put "mirrors.centos.org" there? That
already *is* a distributed environment, so the user doesn't have to rely
on *one* external entity. But I'm not anal about that. 


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