HowToContribute/Packages is up (Was: Re: [Centos-docs] CentOS Wiki: Contribute permission request)

Durval Menezes durval at
Mon Sep 11 17:36:23 UTC 2006

Hello Folks,

> From: Ralph Angenendt <ra+centos at>
> Message-ID: <20060911151155.GE9646 at>
> Durval Menezes wrote:
> > Hello Folks,
> > Any sugestions, critics, corrections etc are welcome.
> It's unfortunately (Check; unfortunatelly).

Ooops... just fixed it. But then that's English: folks write
"actually" and "specially", but old dame Fortune only gets a
single "l" when she's adjectivated... (btw: English is actually
my 3rd language, and I learned it mostly on the streets... anyone
knows if there's a rule for when to use "single l" or "double l"?)

> And
> the line about Checking for Version 4.2 and 4 - shouldn't new packages
> only be accepted for the current update version?

I don't know, but I get the impression yours was a rhetoric question :-)
I'm changing the text right now so that the would-be contributer will be
directed to check just the current version.

Best Regards,
   Durval Menezes (durval AT tmp DOT com DOT br,

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