[Centos-docs] Some Spanish Translation

Lance Davis lance at uklinux.net
Thu Sep 28 12:00:40 UTC 2006

On Thu, 28 Sep 2006, Karanbir Singh wrote:

> Ralph Angenendt wrote:
>>> It seems so, if I read the page correctly. Besides that, I think that
>>> translating the page titles will clutter up the Wiki, and will make it
>>> hard for English 'wiki elves' to maintain the Wiki when it grows. How
>>> about mirroring the English namespace for translations? So, for instance,
>>> the Spanish translation of
>>> /PackageManagement/Yum/FastestMirror
>>> would be:
>>> /es/PackageManagement/Yum/FastestMirror
> of-course, if we had thought about this earlier, we could have had an /en/ 
> default, which would have worked out really nicely, and fit the master scheme 
> of things

Cant that still be changed ??

> One thing that would work well in this case, is if someone was to goto a page 
> at wiki.centos.org/es/SomePage/ and find that the page does not exist, it 
> should be possible to put in a message that says "this page does not exist, 
> its not been translated into Spanish as yet, please check the main page at 
> wiki.centos.org/SomePage/

via errordocument 404 or inside the wiki ??

> BUT, the issue that comes up in that case is - what happens when content is 
> created in /es/ namespace, which does not have a /en/ translation ?

Cant we just have a selector dropdown on the front page for language, and 
then set a cookie or something ??


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