[CentOS-docs] License for Wiki Content - LAST CALL

Ralph Angenendt ra+centos at br-online.de
Fri Apr 20 12:46:38 UTC 2007

Okay, this will never come to an end otherwise:

I would like to use <http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/> as
the license for the complete content of the wiki.

The content on the wiki is *NOT* licensed at all at the moment.

So this call goes out to *ALL* people who have already contributed to
the wiki:

Is it okay with you to use this license for your content on the wiki?

If yes: Say yes (and tell us which page you contributed content to).

If no: Say no (and tell us which page you contributes content to).

I know that there are some contributors not on this mailing list, I will
contact them separately *after* I got some responses from you.

Please answer *as soon* as possible, because if you do not answer, I
have to assume that you are *against* this license.

So keep the responses rolling in!


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