[CentOS-docs] Java Installation HowTo kickoff (JDK 1.4.2, 1.5 and 1.6)

Tue Mar 13 02:00:18 UTC 2007
Leonardo Vilela Pinheiro <leopinheiro at gmail.com>

I've started a Java Installation HowTo.

Take a look: http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dfd4fncx_32gbthmp

Give me feedback, please.

The IBM JDK is the "easiest" on 1.4.2 and 1.5 versions.

The Sun JDK 1.6 is probably the most optimized (and the only
1.6implementation by now), but doesn't integrate so good like IBM
generated RPMs.

The BEA's JPackage nosrcs are so much out-of-date. Would there be a reason
for JPackage's people forgetting about BEA JRockit? I would like to offer an
updated process to install BEA JRockit via RPM, but it seems impracticable
now. Maybe I'm completely wrong - it seems like JRockit R27.1.0 installation
is graphical nowdays, so would it be useful to make it an RPM? Any help is

I'd like to have a space in the CentOS Wiki, and then make corrections based
on mailing-list feedback, then a volunteer to edit (English, grammar,
style), then an expert to validate the process. Is it pratical?

Leonardo Pinheiro
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