[CentOS-docs] Edit permissions and CD to DVD procedure

Wed Mar 21 14:44:34 UTC 2007
Ralph Angenendt <ra+centos at br-online.de>

Phil Schaffner wrote:
> Wiki name PhilSchaffner.  I would like to work on the following pages:
> TipsAndTricks/CreatingUpdateMedia - new page
>         How to create CD/DVD update media and use to update CentOS

What did you have in mind there?

> HowTos/BuildPackages - new page
>         How to set up an end-user environment to build RPM packages

This is already handled in
<http://wiki.centos.org/TipsAndTricks/YumAndRPM> - maybe better add to
that page?

> HowTos/CreateLocalRepos - new page
> 	How to create and maintain local repo[s] for your custom packages

Okay, I thought we had something like that already. We don't. Looks like
a good idea to me.

> MigrationGuide - existing page
>         Add/modify content from C5 testing, Migration/5, and C3 FAQ "How
>         do I migrate a system from WBEL-3 (White Box Enterprise Linux)
>         to CentOS 3?"

Can you talk to smooge about that? I know that he has something similar
in mind, I just want to keep you from doubling content or effort.

> FAQ/CentOS4 - existing page
>         Add FAQ entry on "How do I migrate from an ELx-based distro to
>         CentOS4" with link to MigrationGuide


If we can clarify the above stuff, I'll give you access rights to those


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