[CentOS-docs] http://wiki.centos.org/TipsAndTricks/CDtoDVDMedia

Tue Mar 27 02:22:43 UTC 2007
Karanbir Singh <mail-lists at karan.org>

Wojciech Pilorz wrote:
> Hi,
> I am Wojtek Pilorz (username "Wojtek Pilorz").
> I would like to discuss whether my method of creating Centos DVD image
> from CD images and the other way would be appropriate to be placed in
> tip named in subject;
> Would it be appropriate if I send scripts I use with method
> description a mail to the list for consideration?
> What I have is method for recreating bit-for-bit identical image to
> the original, based on other image(s) containing files which are to be
> placed on the destination images, plus files unique to the destination
> image(s) and iso image header (part before first file).
> The idea is similar to the jigdo utility, but implementation (pure
> perl + some standard perl modules) different, and much more
> specialized.
> So, is that OK to send the scripts to the list for discussion?

how about a discussion on centos-devel list about this a bit first ?

Karanbir Singh : http://www.karan.org/ : 2522219 at icq