[CentOS-docs] Wiki restructure

Wed Oct 10 02:10:06 UTC 2007
Alain Reguera Delgado <alain.reguera at gmail.com>

On 10/8/07, Dag Wieers <dag at centos.org> wrote:
> On Sun, 7 Oct 2007, Alain Reguera Delgado wrote:
> > On 10/7/07, Dag Wieers <dag at centos.org> wrote:
> > > On Sat, 6 Oct 2007, Alain Reguera Delgado wrote:
> > ...
> > > > http://wiki.centos.org/es?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=wiki-structure-1-en.png
> > >
> > > Since we are discussing using the wiki as the website, we probably have to
> > > move the Documentation one level deeper.
> > >
> > > > I would like to implement it in es/ page. Would it be convenient ?
> > >
> > > My preference would be that we keep the same layout and content as the
> > > English page.
> >
> > ok. so here is a proposition to the English page ;) :
> >
> > http://wiki.centos.org/en?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=wiki-structure-1-en.png
> >
> > What do you think ? Does it adapt to the needs ? Other suggestions ?
> I am not in favor of such a design. I think we have to accomodate both new
> users and users that know what CentOS is. By starting off with a large
> introduction section, the important links to all other sections fall off
> the screen (at least my 1024x768 screen).

ok, neither I. So I made a new one. Take a look at:


Note: There is a typo (maybe others) in Theme. The correct name is
modem-CentOS not modem_CentOS.

By the way, I want to present you the modern-CentOS theme :), a new
theme based on default modern moinmoin theme, specially to CentOS.
Could you test it please ? Maybe could be install on the wiki as an
additional theme to let users test it ?


> And for regular users, the introduction is not useful.
> I think the links (categories) should be visible on the top, as well as
> a small introduction. A screenshot is possible if it does not take more
> than 1/6 of my screen.

I'll do some work around it.

> But the links should be visible as most people are NOT interested in the
> front page. What's more, I feel very strongly about the need for a menu to
> guide people to the rest of the side (wherever they may have entered the
> site).
> People need direction (and those that don't can ignore the menu). People
> need to know what their options are (and not too many options either).


Maybe, here we could do what Ralph suggest us

==> Raplh
With the Style from <http://wiki-m.centos.org/> we could use the Tabs on
the Top for a fixed Navigation inside the wiki (Like putting
"FrontPage", "HowTos", "Contribute" and so on into the tabs). Although
I'm not quite sure about relative links in there, so that HowTos will
get you to the english Howtos when you're in the en/ space and get the
Spanish HowTos page, when you are in the es/ space (and so on). So you
will get to the relevant parts of the wiki quite fast and the Navigation
is *always* there in the same place, whereever you are in the wiki
*without* including some Navigation macro in *every* page.

About wiki namespace, could we set (maybe in a wiki page) the future
namesapce fixed. We could use lists to simulate it. Then, when it be
defined, we start the migration process with that as a guide.

