[CentOS-docs] Wiki FrontPage Proposition

Mon Oct 15 14:02:49 UTC 2007
Ralph Angenendt <ra+centos at br-online.de>

Dag Wieers wrote:
> The MoinMoin website advertises 2 wikis that have a proper menu:
> 	cacert.org (doesn't look like a wiki, that's good)

That's because it isn't a wiki. <http://wiki.cacert.org/wiki/> is and it
shows the problem I tried to illustrate above (that seems to be a
slightly modified rightbar theme as is already present in Moin).

> 	kernelnewbies.org (good wiki-structure menu)

And they do it like I proposed (not really, I'd like to see their
wikiconfig.py): complete content is in a table with two columns where
the wiki part is in the right column, the left bar doesn't seem to be
editable via the wiki. Just look at the "Raw version" in the drop down
menu - it only shows you the stuff in the right column. 

> It would be a shame if we would not do it because we don't know how
> to do it. If we decide to do it like that, at least we can look for
> someone who can look into it and in the meantime do it different.

And that is where I really would like to hear some more opinions, this
discussion up to now was only a three man show :)


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