[CentOS-docs] Re: CentOS-docs Digest, Vol 13, Issue 2

Ralph Angenendt ra+centos at br-online.de
Thu Sep 6 10:58:27 UTC 2007

Rohit Rai wrote:
>    HI! Friends,
>    I have recently shared my experiences while installing CentOS using a single
>    CD, then creating XEN VMs and sharing YUM repositories and stuff at my blog,
>    [1]http://mytechrantings.blogspot.com/2007/08/centos-5-selinux-xen-squid-yum
>    -cache.html But as per feedback I realized that it was to chaotic and full
>    of ramblings and was suggested to write some how tos.

Yes, that isn't really fit for inclusion :)

>    I from my experience on Net relized that how tos expect this to be a perfect
>    world and miss ot things that can go wrong and generally will. So I decided
>    to write introductions/guides to diferent parts of the installation process
>    in a Q&A format. And to begin with I wrote an article on NFS, which is
>    available here
>    [2]http://mytechrantings.blogspot.com/2007/08/nfs-network-file-system.html

This looks much better (although you have to correct the part about
automatically starting services, *always* use chkconfig there) and you
have to drop some "I have"s (or similar) in the text. See

But I don't see a problem including that on the wiki, somewhere in the
howto section.

There are still some grammatical problems "On server/On client" instead
of "On the server/...", but not many of those.

Anyone else?


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