[CentOS-docs] Wiki restructure

Ralph Angenendt ra+centos at br-online.de
Fri Sep 28 08:38:37 UTC 2007

Dag Wieers wrote:
> I would prefer to end up with a Frontpage that lists up to 7 subsections
> on the front page and moves most of the other links to one of these
> subsections.
> I would propose something like this:
> 	http://wiki.centos.org/FrontPageProposal

I hope you're not serious about the colors. I for one cannot really read
the first line, the links in that aren't visible to me at all.

> and move everything to the subsections (maybe even move page references to
> fit in these subsections). With a change like this, the wiki will become
> much more straightforward to new users and hopefully will encourage people
> to contribute.

Then at least a rather big "about CentOS" section should be on there.
This is not enough information for a front page (well, at least for me).

Yes, having most of it on one page looks good, though.

Or some screenshots -- maybe of a nice console tailing /var/log/messages,
it's a server OS after all :)


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