[CentOS-docs] Wiki Link

Mon Apr 7 21:46:23 UTC 2008
Akemi Yagi <amyagi at gmail.com>

On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 2:23 PM, Ned Slider <nedslider at f2s.com> wrote:
> Akemi Yagi wrote:
> >
> > I suppose this page will have a description for the differences
> > between the three methods and how to choose one. ??
>  I was kind of avoiding that one due to lack of experience with methods 1 &
> 3. I went straight with method 2 and it has worked great for me, the obvious
> advantage being that "it just works" upon a kernel update. YMMV :)
>  What did you have in mind? A separate introductory and/or summary section,
> or a pros & cons for each section and leave the reader to make up their own
> mind which is best for them (I tend to prefer the latter option).

I would let the user decide.  We just need to provide enough info for
each method so that they can choose.
