[CentOS-docs] Diskless Clients

Sat Apr 12 00:14:37 UTC 2008
John <jses27 at gmail.com>

On Fri, 2008-04-11 at 19:28 -0400, Max Hetrick wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Ralph Angenendt wrote:
> > Not really, go ahead (IMHO).
> Done.

Ignore that stupid question from the mail previously. I see it.

This is not compatable with CentOS 5...
# yum install system-config-netboot
# system-config-netboot

Do you have a workaround for it. IE:Manually? system config netboot is not included in CentOS 5. There is a Bugzila report on 
redhat that I was pointed to that said it maybe released in another version of RHEL v5. I on the otherhand obtained 
the package from the Fedora Core 6 repo. Installed it but have done no further testing than that.

When I have the time I can validate wether or not the package will work. In theory it should be just fine. Or you can 
your self and add CentOS 5 also to the How To instead of just centos 4.

I like the PXE Boot explanation!

> Regards,
> Max
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