[CentOS-docs] Diskless Clients

Thu Apr 17 13:25:09 UTC 2008
John <jses27 at gmail.com>

On Wed, 2008-04-16 at 17:25 -0400, Max Hetrick wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Max Hetrick wrote:
> > I'll test it out and make the appropriate changes within the next few days.
> John,
> After getting things to work, I ran into a kernel panic problem when
> trying to boot up.
> I found this link that tried to get things taken care of to work, but I
> was unsuccessful. It keeps running into a kernel panic during boot.
> http://www-theorie.physik.unizh.ch/~dpotter/howto/diskless
> Let me know if you've been able to discover anything. I'm guessing this
> is too much of a PITA to do on 5 until RHEL gets the tools corrected,
> especially whenever you can easily get it working with 4.6 without much
> effort.

Will. know something here in a few hours. If the Clients want boot then
I will try the patches as I *have* to have this to work on v5. Only
other option is Cobbler,which is prolly going to replace net-boot. It is
source only. I would however like to know if it will make it to the cent
fast track repo. 

The only part of this that would be a pain is adding the patches as all
the other is the same as v4.

> Regards,
> Max
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