Karanbir Singh wrote: > Ralph Angenendt wrote: >>> http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/postfix_amavisd >> > > This is actually more of an email to Ned, but replying to Ralph's email > to keep the conversation flow.. > > point I wanted to make is that by calling it 'postfix_amavisd' you have > closed the door for there really being much effort on adding an exim or > a sendmail section to that. So please take that postfix bit out from the > title and the url, I am sure amavisd can be setup to work with other > MTA's as well. > Sure, good point and I'd not considered that at all. I had purely approached it from the angle of extending the existing postfix series of guides, but as you say there is no reason to exclude other MTAs. Could I ask someone (Ralph maybe) to rename the page as I'm not sure how to do that, and maybe post the new link to this thread for the benefit of those following the discussions. > You can still leave a postfix section in the TOC, just move all postfix > specific bits into there, and ask for contributors to add exim / > sendmail details into their respective sections. > As an interim measure we could link to the amavisd-new documentation for other MTAs and by doing so note that it is not exclusive to postfix. I'll give some thought on restructuring to allow for easy addition of other MTAs into the document.