[CentOS-docs] Re: rpm for r8168
Manuel Wolfshant
wolfy at nobugconsulting.ro
Sat Feb 9 02:11:55 UTC 2008
On 02/09/2008 03:48 AM, Akemi Yagi wrote:
> wolfy,
> Is my observation correct that the rpm you are offering does not have
> Require for dkms?
It does require dkms. The spec contains:
Requires: gcc, make
Requires(post): dkms
Requires(preun): dkms
And BTW, "Requires: make" is NOT present in the dkms-XXX packages
available in rpmforge (despite being needed). Based on my suggestion,
Matthias added this in a newer version of dkms-r1000 (which has not been
uploaded to rpmforge, it is only available on Matthias's site)
> Or could you also provide the instructions that
> will help "newbies" install this driver? There was someone who was
> looking for the driver for this particular card. He could not
> understand the wiki and therefore was asking if there is some easier
> method.
Well, IF a link to the rpm would be added in the wiki, it SHOULD contain
something along the following lines:
In order to use this driver <link to driver here>, you will need
the dkms package available from rpmforge. Please add this repository to
your list of local repositories (as described in
http://wiki.centos.org/Repositories) and run the following commands:
yum install dkms --enablerepo rpmforge
rpm -Uvh <link to dkms-r8168.noarch.rpm> [*]
Maybe also add some words about the benefit of dkms over lkmdl...
[*] Under normal circumstances yum localinstall dkms-r8168 would be
perfect, but since my package is not signed, yum will choke. And because
yum in Centos does not have a --nogpgcheck option (and I am very much
against advising users to disable gpgcheck in yum.conf, even for short
periods of time), I see very few options:
- use rpm in order to skip gpg check (as described above)
- host the rpm in one of Centos's blessed repos (so as to have it signed)
Because I have very few packages intended for public use and not
included in well known repositories, I am not interested in creating my
own repo (with signed packages). Not to mention that
a) I have absolutely no memory about the password I have chosen when I
have created my GPG key :) and
b) does anyone care about the GPG key of some unknown packager (yes,
that would me) ?
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