[CentOS-docs] Re: rpm for r8168

Ned Slider nedslider at f2s.com
Sat Feb 9 03:30:54 UTC 2008

>>>  Or could you also provide the instructions that
>>> will help "newbies" install this driver?  There was someone who was
>>> looking for the driver for this particular card.  He could not
>>> understand the wiki and therefore was asking if there is some easier
>>> method.
>> Well, IF a link to the rpm would be added in the wiki, it SHOULD contain
>> something along the following lines:
>>      In order to use this driver <link to driver here>, you will need
>> the dkms package available from rpmforge. Please add this repository to
>> your list of local repositories (as described in
>> http://wiki.centos.org/Repositories) and run the following commands:
>>              yum install dkms --enablerepo rpmforge
>>              rpm -Uvh <link to dkms-r8168.noarch.rpm> [*]
>> Maybe also add some words about the benefit of dkms over lkmdl...
> Yes, brief instructions will be helpful.  By the way, that "someone"
> was in the CentOS forum and he apparently decided to buy a new card
> that works out of the box (upon other's suggestion).  I felt it was
> appropriate advice given his "newbie" status.
Oops - sorry, I guess that was me :D

I tried to word it as an alternative suggestion, giving him options, 
rather than deliberately steering him in that direction. Like you say 
Akemi, he didn't appear to have the knowledge to follow the current Wiki 
guide and I could see him getting frustrated by a perceived lack of 
progress (having a working Internet connection seems to be a critical 
requirement to most new users).

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