Hi List, Would the Wiki be interested in a very simple guide to setting up postfix/dovecot? I'm no expert, but have been learning postfix recently, and would be more than happy to write one based on my own setup/experience. As there's so many different scenarios for which postfix could be configured, I'm thinking just a basic guide for a working mail server to get new users up and running, and from there they can tweak to their own environment. I'm thinking broad appeal (hopefully) for those who don't know where to start. I documented my own setup as I went (below) so something based on this to give an idea: http://forums.pcper.com/showthread.php?t=448351 ...and if that goes down well, then maybe a section on anti-spam settings (_restrictions) available in postfix to complement the recent postgrey greylisting guide. As always, I'd welcome input/comments from those more experienced! Regards, Ned