[CentOS-docs] Re: Opening of the Wiki - Part I

Tue May 20 13:36:59 UTC 2008
Ralph Angenendt <ra+centos at br-online.de>

Welcome >:)

Matt Sturtz wrote:
> I'm very much in favor of opening up the wiki, as long as the mods/eds
> keep tabs on every change (perhapps changes can be moderated, so they are
> reviewed before going live?).

MoinMoin isn't able to do that without patching the code (which I don't
really want to/can do) - that idea had crossed my mind, yes.

> I would be willing to contribute in this capacity from time to time
> (but don't expect 8hrs a day :-).

That's why I'm opting for an editorial team, possibly in several time
zones, so the load can be spread.

> I think that if you require a real user (no anonymous) with a captcha
> and an email cookie, you'll block out almost 100% of the spam.

My favourite still is: Create a user, send us a mail (in which you have
to agree to putting your content under the CC license anyway) and then
one of the editorial team puts your accountname into the EditGroup. 

Captchas are broken already, those don't keep spammers away anymore. 


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