[CentOS-docs] becoming root

Mon May 5 11:20:46 UTC 2008
Nils Ratusznik <nils.ratusznik at gruik.net>

Le Jeu 1 mai 2008 11:45, Ned Slider a écrit :
> Alain Reguera Delgado wrote:
>> On 4/5/08, Ned Slider <nedslider at f2s.com> wrote:
>> ...
>>> *How to become root*
>> Some Spanish translations have been done to this article. See:
>> http://wiki.centos.org/es/TipsAndTricks/BecomingRoot
>> Cheers,
>> al.
> I've linked to the English page from Tips and Tricks (Admin tricks and
> shell one-liners section).
> If no one has any more comments/additions, we can remove the draft
> notice too.
> Ned

I'd like to make the French translation. What's the process for
translating articles?

