[CentOS-docs] Re: Opening of the Wiki - Part I

Thu May 29 11:43:45 UTC 2008
Daniel de Kok <me at danieldk.org>

On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 4:12 PM, Ned Slider <ned at unixmail.co.uk> wrote:
> That should block the vast majority of spam, shouldn't it?

On a Dutch forum we were dealing with a considerable amount of spam.
Most spam account creation/posting is done automatically through
scripts. So, we simply added an additional account creation field with
a verification question the can only be answered by humans, like:

"Op welke dag is Kortjakje niet ziek?" (On which day isn't Kortjakje ill?)

There is this Dutch children's rhyme/song that everyone knows, and
tells the story of Kortjakje, who is ill on every day except Sunday.
There must be a nice English equivalent :).

After this change there has been virtually no spam on the forum (I
think only once through an unrelated bug).

Take care,