[CentOS-docs] [artwork] Image for external links

Mon Nov 3 14:11:44 UTC 2008
Ralph Angenendt <ra+centos at br-online.de>

Ralph Angenendt wrote:
> And even if you put   into the header lines of that table it breaks
> at strange points. Bloody wiki software ...

What do they say about people speaking to themselves? Well, at list you
all listen now: Fixed.

Alain - can you incorporate the diff into modern-CentOS? 



PS: That fixes the wrapping problem, not the icon "per se".
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--- common.css.orig	2008-11-03 14:09:05.000000000 +0000
+++ common.css	2008-11-03 14:09:16.000000000 +0000
@@ -23,19 +23,19 @@
 /* Links */
-a.www:before {content: url(../img/moin-www.png); margin: 0 0.2em;}
-a.http:before {content: url(../img/moin-www.png); margin: 0 0.2em;}
-a.https:before {content: url(../img/moin-www.png); margin: 0 0.2em;}
-a.file:before {content: url(../img/moin-ftp.png); margin: 0 0.2em;}
-a.ftp:before {content: url(../img/moin-ftp.png); margin: 0 0.2em;}
-a.nntp:before {content: url(../img/moin-news.png); margin: 0 0.2em;}
-a.news:before {content: url(../img/moin-news.png); margin: 0 0.2em;}
-a.telnet:before {content: url(../img/moin-telnet.png); margin: 0 0.2em;}
-a.irc:before {content: url(../img/moin-telnet.png); margin: 0 0.2em;}
-a.mailto:before {content: url(../img/moin-email.png); margin: 0 0.2em;}
-a.attachment:before {content: url(../img/moin-attach.png); margin: 0 0.2em;}
-a.badinterwiki:before {content: url(../img/moin-inter.png); margin: 0 0.2em;}
-a.interwiki:before {content: url(../img/moin-inter.png); margin: 0 0.2em;}
+a.www:before {white-space:nowrap; content: url(../img/moin-www.png); margin: 0 0.2em;}
+a.http:before {white-space:nowrap; content: url(../img/moin-www.png); margin: 0 0.2em;}
+a.https:before {white-space:nowrap; content: url(../img/moin-www.png); margin: 0 0.2em;}
+a.file:before {white-space:nowrap; content: url(../img/moin-ftp.png); margin: 0 0.2em;}
+a.ftp:before {white-space:nowrap; content: url(../img/moin-ftp.png); margin: 0 0.2em;}
+a.nntp:before {white-space:nowrap; content: url(../img/moin-news.png); margin: 0 0.2em;}
+a.news:before {white-space:nowrap; content: url(../img/moin-news.png); margin: 0 0.2em;}
+a.telnet:before {white-space:nowrap; content: url(../img/moin-telnet.png); margin: 0 0.2em;}
+a.irc:before {white-space:nowrap; content: url(../img/moin-telnet.png); margin: 0 0.2em;}
+a.mailto:before {white-space:nowrap; content: url(../img/moin-email.png); margin: 0 0.2em;}
+a.attachment:before {white-space:nowrap; content: url(../img/moin-attach.png); margin: 0 0.2em;}
+a.badinterwiki:before {white-space:nowrap; content: url(../img/moin-inter.png); margin: 0 0.2em;}
+a.interwiki:before {white-space:nowrap; content: url(../img/moin-inter.png); margin: 0 0.2em;}
 li p {
 	margin: .25em 0;
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