[CentOS-docs] Setting up an SSL secured Webserver

Mon Sep 1 08:52:32 UTC 2008
Ralph Angenendt <ra+centos at br-online.de>

Manuel Wolfshant wrote:
> On 08/31/2008 07:11 PM, Mats Karlsson wrote:
>> I agree with Will.
>> The page should be changed to reflect how it's done in 5.x or forked  
>> into two pages, "The 4.x way" and "The 5.x way".
>    Am I missing something here? mod_ssl contains the exact same code in  
> %post in both C4.6 and C5.2. And in both cases the generated [dummy]  
> certificate leaves the system in a ready-to-be-used (although not really  
> recommended) configuration.

Yes. Maybe this page should be extended a bit so it actually shows what
has to be *in* the keys (meaning the actual dialog from openssl), so
that you run with your *own* self signed certificate and not the one
from the package?

I actually like the openssl commands on that page (as a reference). But
yes, there should be some explanation of what they actually do.


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