[CentOS-docs] Wiki Access Request for Java How To's

Tue Apr 28 15:49:38 UTC 2009
Sean Gilligan <sean at msgilligan.com>

Ralph Angenendt wrote:
> I've added you to http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/JavaOnCentOS and
> http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/CreateLocalRepos, I'll probably elevate
> status when you wrote something on there :)

Thank, Ralph.  I've made some minor changes to both those docs as I read 
them over.

Phil and I were actually talking about me making changes to 
CreateLocalMirror, not CreateLocalRepos.  Can I get write access to that 
one, too?

As for the Java stuff, I would like to re-organize things a little and 
I'll start a new thread for that proposal.

-- Sean