Marcus Moeller wrote: > Hi all, > > I have again noticed that the wiki does not really show up in search > results and wonder if it has any impact that robots.txt on > is empty. > > Perhaps it should at least contain User-agent: * ? There should be a sitemap.xml file and robots.txt should point to it. sitemap.xml can be generated from the wiki database with something like DOMDocument: <?php require('db_connect.php'); function sitemapurl($document,$loc,$priority,$changefreq,$lastmod='') { $mapurl = $document->createElement('url'); $maploc = $document->createElement('loc',$loc); $mapurl->appendChild($maploc); if (strlen($lastmod > 0)) { $maplastmod = $document->createElement('lastmod',$lastmod); $mapurl->appendChild($maplastmod); } $mappri = $document->createElement('priority',$priority); $mapurl->appendChild($mappri); $mapcha = $document->createElement('changefreq',$changefreq); $mapurl->appendChild($mapcha); return($mapurl); } $smap = new DOMDocument("1.0","UTF-8"); $smap->preserveWhiteSpace = false; $smap->formatOutput = true; $urlset = $smap->createElement('urlset'); $urlset->setAttribute('xmlns',''); $urlset->setAttribute('xmlns:xsi',''); $urlset->setAttribute('xsi:schemaLocation',''); $sql = "SELECT wikipage,lastmod FROM blah WHERE blah"; $rs=$mdb2->query($sql); // I use pear::mdb2 while($row = $rs->fetchRow(MDB2_FETCHMODE_OBJECT)) { $loc = 'http://www.domain.tld/' . $row->wikipage; $url = sitemapurl($smap,$loc,'0.50','daily','$row->lastmod'); $urlset->appendChild($url); } $smap->appendChild($urlset); header('Content-type: application/xml'); print ($smap->saveXML()); ?> I think that requires php 5.2.x but I'm fairly sure mod_python/mod_perl have similar functionality. That's what I do, I call the file sitemap.php and make sitemap.xml point to it via mod_rewrite. It works very well, new pages are added right away, my sitemaps get slurped up and my search engine rankings are decent.