[CentOS-docs] Broadcom's BCM4311-, BCM4312-, BCM4321-, and BCM4322-based hardware install manual

Sun Dec 13 16:49:28 UTC 2009
Ned Slider <ned at unixmail.co.uk>

On 12/13/2009 03:44 PM, Milos Blazevic wrote:
> Ned Slider wrote:
>> Agreed. I would think the logical location would be in the Wireless page:
>> http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/Laptops/Wireless
>> where there is already a small section near the bottom that could be
>> replaced, or if your contribution is too large to fit conveniently on
>> that page then do it as a separate page and link it from there.
>> It might be a good idea to do it as a separate page in your own area
>> first as a draft (Ralph can probably help with that?), then once this
>> list has had a chance to review it, it can be moved to the correct
>> location? That way we don't have draft content sitting on a "finished"
>> page whilst being written, if that makes sense.
> I agree it'd be a good idea to publish a draft first on my own area (I
> assume you're referring to my future CentOS Wiki homepage).
> Moreover in respect to the fact there are more people who dealt with
> this issue.
> It's just that I don't seem to have privileges to create one... am I
> doing something wrong, or should I ask Ralph to grant me permissions to
> do this?
> Ralph?

Yes, sure Ralph will sort that out for you as soon as he's around :)