[CentOS-docs] I want to contribute to the wiki

Mon Feb 16 14:16:32 UTC 2009
morenisco at cdsl.cl <morenisco at cdsl.cl>

Ralph Angenendt wrote:


>> Well, I think the solution is to put my document in the spanish section
>> :)
>> But, unfortunately, I don't see that the spanish section is linked in
>> the
>> main page of http://wiki.centos.org
> It's there, at the bottom.

Ahh ok, I can see it now.
Well, I think could be better add an menu in the top with the link to the
wiki in spanish, or in some part of the page that the people could see it
easier than now (I didn't see it!).

Anyway, can we create a section for spanish howtos? And I could put there
my document. And for sure more people will add manuals there.



Centro de Difusión del Software Libre.
Blog: http://morenisco.belvil.eu