[CentOS-docs] Improving the website and forums

Sat Jan 3 15:47:07 UTC 2009
Marcus Moeller <mm at gcug.de>

Dear Akemi,

>> www.centos.org - Forums - CentOS 5 - Networking Support - Wireless ...
>> 14.7. Establishing a Wireless Connection
>> www.centos.org - Forums - CentOS 5 - Networking Support - Intel ...
>> My advise:
>>  - Get rid of the "www.centos.org -" prefix for all pages
> Not sure how to achieve this, but if possible just change to "CentOS"
>>  - Get rid of the "Forums -" prefix for the forums
> Without this, how would you be able to tell this is a Forum post?  The
> first two items may be combined into "CentOS Forums" ?

I understand and agree on that. To avoid misunderstandings we should
at least distinguish between 'Forums', 'Wiki' and the main site where
no prefix is necessary

>>  - Get rid of the "Networking Support" prefix for the forums
> We can shorten to "Networking" but cannot get rid of the whole thing.
> This is defined as the Forum Topics.  We cannot remove it entirely.
>>  - Move the "CentOS 5 -" to the end of the title (or get rid of it too)
> There is a history to this.  Without the "CentOS 5" etc, management of
> the CentOS Forums was very difficult and time-consuming (for us
> moderators).  So, this was added after discussion with Fabian and
> Johnny.  Again we can shorten it to "C5" for example.

It is not really necessary to change the forum structure. Most forums
offer a configuration option to define which elements should be part
of the page title. Maybe newbb does not but this should be patchable.

Best Regards