[CentOS-docs] Improving the website and forums

Tue Jan 6 14:37:10 UTC 2009
Ralph Angenendt <ra+centos at br-online.de>

JohnS wrote:
> On Mon, 2009-01-05 at 21:19 +0000, Karanbir Singh wrote:
> > JohnS wrote:
> > > One other hinderance is tha MoinMoin uses a Flat File Data Base instead of a RDMS. Which when the site gets really bigger you will 
> > > begin to notice the filesystem load greatly.
> > 
> > as opposed to having a db that thrashes itself ? I fail to see what your 
> > point here is.
> The point is having a slew of 20,000 textfiles on a flat file system is
> utterly  unmanageable. 

I don't see that with moin, the file layout on the disk is pretty logical and
straight forward. And moin doesn't render each page, it caches pages as prerendered HTML.

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