[CentOS-docs] Improving the website and forums

Tue Jan 6 19:21:59 UTC 2009
Alan Bartlett <ajb.stxsl at googlemail.com>

On 06/01/2009, Dag Wieers <dag at centos.org> wrote:
> On Tue, 6 Jan 2009, Akemi Yagi wrote:
> > On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 8:09 AM, Dag Wieers <dag at centos.org> wrote:
> >
> >> I don't know why everyone seems to think we are going to change
> >> to the way the forums work. The only thing I asked to consider is
> changing
> >> the page title. Something a forum user would not even notice because
> that
> >> is *NOT* what they see anywhere, unless in your tab. And now all your
> tabs
> >> look like: "www.centos.org -" (if you can see that many characters)
> >
> > I assure you that I understood the point you were trying to make from
> > the very beginning.
> >
> > What I did not know is that preventing unwanted portions of the title
> > from appearing on google is technically possible.  So, I thought the
> > only way to achieve this was to remove them from the original Forum
> > thread title.
> Ok, then I misunderstood you misunderstanding me ;-)

Having just got back to my monitor to pick up and read the latest posts to
this thread I'll say -- as it appears that I was the last person to post
before your annoyance became visible, Dag -- that I had a similar
misunderstanding to Akemi and the two paragraphs quoted before your quote,
above, could just as well have been written by me rather than by Akemi.  :-)

And I thought you knew enough about me to realise that I am approachable? --
my e-mail address is visible for all to see.

Looking up at one of my Firefox tabs I see "www.centos.org - Forums - ...".
That expands to read "www.centos.org - Forums - unread topics". Most
definitely the "www.centos.org" could go from that . . .

The English pedant feels a rant coming on. One forum, two or more fora. Just
like one referendum, two or more referenda, etc.

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