[CentOS-docs] Anaconda Slide Translation Guide

Mon Jan 26 10:07:18 UTC 2009
Ralph Angenendt <ra+centos at br-online.de>

Alain Reguera Delgado wrote:
> Excellent work! I think it is ready for slide translators, they will be
> the fire's test.

Can you check if I broke anything today? I moved all the pt/ directories
to br_pt (shouldn't that be pt_br? Hmmm. Probably have to do that
again) as we are getting a "real" portuguese translation, too.

> Ralph: Could it be possible to include the procedure used to build the
> CentOS artwork rpm package too ?

When I have found out where the CentOS stuff lives in the package - yes
(I found the gdm/kdm stuff which you can find by grepping: rpm -ql
redhat-artwork | grep -i centos). But I have no idea where the other
files (default background, splash) have to go in there - yet. Sorry, I
didn't find any time over the weekend to look in there.


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