[CentOS-docs] paging GlennMatthys

Mon Mar 30 14:11:38 UTC 2009
R P Herrold <herrold at centos.org>

I have checked the ML archive for the last six months, and do 
not find a poster using 'Glenn' as their name.

I wanted to contact that author, but no WikiPage for him 
exists with contact information

Glenn, please contact me so I might discuss a page's future 
with you.

As such to address the issue more generally I made a small 
addition at:
 	Make yourself 'contactable'

| Please assist people examining the revision history of a 
| wiki page in finding you, so that they may suggest revisions 
| when a page is unclear or stale. Add a Personal Homepage with 
| (at a minimum): your WikiName, a mailto link email address, 
| and the needed category indexing link footer:
| ----
| CategoryHomepage

-- Russ herrold