[CentOS-docs] Potential loss of a wiki contributor.

Alan Bartlett

ajb.stxsl at googlemail.com
Fri May 8 19:10:17 UTC 2009

On 08/05/2009, Dag Wieers <dag at centos.org> wrote:

>  I think we need to see with our #centos IRC moderators if and what we can
>  do about it. But it is obvious that not getting any response is hard to
>  fix :)
>  My personal opinion is that IRC is not the best strategy if you want a
>  good reaction from the community. And my experience (on both sides of the
>  fence) is that an IRC user typically wants immediate answers and often has
>  unrealistic expectations. Not seldom a user left the channel before I was
>  able to provide him with an answer...
>  So google, wiki, mailinglist and forums (in that order)

Some of us would re-arrange that order -- google, wiki, fora and
mailinglist -- but each to { her | his } own.  ;-)

(Writing as Akemi's / toracat's represenative.)

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