[CentOS-docs] Comments? HowTos/CentOS5ConvertToRAID

Tue May 12 20:11:19 UTC 2009
Phil Schaffner <Philip.R.Schaffner at NASA.gov>

Ed Heron wrote:
>   Has anybody had a chance to look at this?

Moving it up on my to-do list...

When cloning the root partition need to add "H" to the rsync flags to 
preserve hard links.  Don't think /boot uses hard links, but wouldn't 
hurt to use it there also.  An often-recommended alternative is to use tar:

tar -C /mnt/boot.old -cf - . | tar -C /mnt/boot.new -xf -
tar -C /mnt/root.old -cf - . | tar -C /mnt/root.new -xf -

Probably a matter of preference.

At step 6, since everything has already been cleanly unmounted, should 
just be able to hit the power button.  Add something to the effect of 
"Remove the rescue media before rebooting."

That's all the comments I have without actually going through testing 
the procedure.  Will try that later if I get a round tuit. :-)

Nice job.  Will reference it from the HowTos/SoftwareRAIDonCentOS5 page 
when it goes live.
