[CentOS-docs] wiki.centos.org logo behaviour

Fri May 15 11:48:44 UTC 2009
Phil Schaffner <Philip.R.Schaffner at NASA.gov>

Dag Wieers wrote:
> I don't see anything compelling on the CentOS website frontpage that is 
> worth going to from the Wiki.

How about the links to the mirror network, IRC Chat, Mailing Lists, 
Forums,  FAQ, and Commercial support all within 2 lines; Descriptions of 
all the major releases with links to downloads and release notes; 
sponsors; news; ...?

But, as I said, if there was a common
> interface on all CentOS sites (wiki, website, forums, mirrors, projects) I 
> am all for it.


> Currently I am against it because it makes navigation even harder (since 
> there is no clear hierarchy).

That's why they call it a "web". :-D  Sorry - couldn't resist.

I really do think there should be a reasonably prominent link from the 
Wiki header to the CentOS main page.  The Logo as that link seems like a 
logical thing to me, but it could be done differently.  There's always 
an easy way to get back to the Wiki with the bar on the main site page.

A unified interface would be great, but that's a work-in-progress. 
Seems like a link on the current structure shouldn't be that hard, but 
then I'm not one who knows what that entails, nor that would get tasked 
with implementing it.

Just my $0.02.
