[CentOS-docs] Comments on draft TipsAndTricks/InstallWebminRepo page

Sat May 30 07:24:51 UTC 2009
Marcus Moeller <mail at marcus-moeller.de>

Dear David.

>> Has someone even tried to contact the author if he could provide a
>> repository definition RPM?
> Now this is a great idea :)
> Seems silly not to have checked thought of that... doh!
>> Btw., nearly the same process as described on the wiki is shown here:
>> http://www.webmin.com/rpm.html
> Yes it does look vaguely familiar, without the method for actually
> creating the repo file of course. Just says "create the
> /etc/yum.repos.d/webmin.repo file".

Okay, everybody should be able to use a editor ;)

Best Regards