[CentOS-docs] wiki contribution
Joshua Daniel Franklin
jdf.lists at gmail.com
Mon Nov 30 19:42:43 UTC 2009
On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 11:16 AM, Ralph Angenendt wrote:
> What are they doing in regard to python? Install alongside? Break the
> python on the machine (I'm not really inclined to test that at the
> moment)? What's with php (oh my god, another php-current source)?
> If that is what makes this special (meaning installs alongside things
> from CentOS), then a longer document about the repo would be needed, as
> to what can happen - or won't - when you have 2 pythons on the machine, etc.
Honestly its intended for professionals. If you have no idea what you're
doing you probably should not be using 3rd party repos at all. By the
way a lot of these questions are answered on the website, for example at:
I'm also sending an email to their mailing list so maybe you can have
some "official" replies.
>> In any case, can I be approved for the wiki and add my personal
>> page? I won't edit the AdditionalResources/Repositories unless
>> there's some sort of consensus.
> Yeah, sure. Done.
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